Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Playmakers Foundation Detroit

PHOTO (left to right.... Ted Perry III(TechSpcialist), Roger Vargo(2ndVicePresident), Diondre Norman(3rdVicePresident), Sterling-Michael D. Beacham(President) ) 

This is just a letter that has been sent to a to some of Detroit's most influential individuals...... Take a look at this and see what type of change you  may be able to make in the city of Detroit. 

i.L.L. Events has banned together with a with a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides resources for youth in foster care, state custody and other at-risk circumstances to help them become productive in society.  The Playmakers Foundation partners with professional athletes, entertainers, local businesses and other youth organizations to “Make Big Plays in the Community”.Since 2009, our organization has promoted P.E.A.C.E in the Nashville community.  Through unique events and various forms of outreach, speaking to youth and teens in schools, uniting with local youth serving organizations, and community leaders to spread this message has been our goal.
      The Playmakers Foundation has just launched a new branch in the Detroit area. We are currently operating that office at 8220 second avenue, Detroit MI 48202. With the guidance of the leadership in Detroit, along with supporters like the Detroit Branch of the NAACP, I Love Life Event Planning & Marketing,  and Cass Technical high school we have banded together to take a different approach to the city of Detroit’s homicide rate.
     Detroit, with 706,585 residents in 2011, based on the U.S. Census, is giving New York City a run for its money in 2012, at least in regard to homicides. According to the Reuters story published Nov. 29, New York City had just experienced a day without a single stabbing, shooting or homicide, "the first in recent memory," as it is headed for its lowest homicide count since 1960. As of the story's publishing, New York City had recorded 366 slayings, 23 percent fewer than by the same date in 2011.
     Although New York City is on pace to have more homicides in 2012 than Detroit (about 401 to Detroit's 388) it has, with more than 8.1 million residents, about 11.4 times the population. On a daily basis, the Detroit police department issues release that include details the victims' ages, location of the crime, their condition and any suspect info for violent crimes, carjacking’s, shootings and homicides, that occurred usually multiple days prior within the city. The homicide increase comes amid staff cuts that further hinder the police department's ability to head off and solve them.
     In an effort to stave off a financial crisis, the city is cutting the number of sworn police through attrition. The uncertainty of Detroit's financial future, paired with 10 percent cuts to pay — as well as benefit cuts — has encouraged more officers to retire, whether or not they might have remained with the force in more financially secure times. The department numbered 2,760 sworn in 2011, according to the FBI. That number is below 2,500 and could soon decline nearer to 2,000. In comparison, the New York City Police Department employed 34,542 sworn officers in 2011, according to FBI Uniform Crime Report statistics.

     Did you know? Over a million people have been killed with guns in the United States since 1968, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated (Childrens’ Defense Fund, p. 20). It one year on average, almost 100,000 people in America are shot or killed with a gun.
(Brady Report)

     Our definition of P.E.A.C.E. is “PUTTING EDUCATION AWARENESS, COMMUNITY, EQUALLY” so we can provide a united stand against gun violence in our community.  August 18, 2012, we partnered with the city of Gary, Indiana to assist with a gun buyback program where 129 guns were turned in for incentives.  The city of Gary designated $5000 to make this happen.  Each person who turned in a gun received a Wal-Mart gift card and an official P.E.A.C.E. UP GUNS DOWN armband.  The response was so overwhelming; all 6 drop off locations ran out of gifts cards just 3 hours after it began.  Our goal is to raise $10,000 to host a gun buyback program in Nashville and other major cities. 

     So you can see it is past time for us to do something to change this epidemic in our country.  Change can start with a simple message. A few years ago, the world was taken by storm with “What Would Jesus Do”.  The Playmakers Foundation would love t o “band together” with you to make big plays in the community.   Your tax deductible contribution will allow us to do the following:
·         Purchase incentives for the gun buyback program
·         Mass produce the PEACE UP GUNS DOWN armbands, t-shirts and create other marketing items such as billboards, radio promotions, and other marketing materials with contributing sponsors nationwide.
·         Promote awareness events, concerts, motivational speaking, and community outreach efforts promoting PUGD, gang prevention, gun safety, grief counseling, and positive alternatives for youth/ teens.
·         Ultimately reducing the number of gun violence crimes and incidents in every community.

     Gun violence affects everyone!  We need your help to promote P.E.A.C.E. and take our communities and children back.   Look forward to working with you soon.  For more information please contact us at or  313-516-7510 and 615-557-0115.

Dantriel McWilliams
Sterling-Michael Darshay Beacham
Special Projects Manager
Roger Vargo
Media Specialist 

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